Party in My Dorm is a social game with a full trading economy.
PiMD players chat, form groups and relationships both mechanically and organically, and take part in Extracurricular competitions. There are hundreds of avatars and millions of potential ways to decorate your dorm.
Title: Party in My Dorm
Developer: A Thinking Ape
Platforms: Android, iOS
Role: Designer
For Party in My Dorm, I was primarily responsible for shipping live events.
I was also the design owner of the Extracurriculars feature, aka XCs.
XCs are short to medium duration quests, which once set up, can be allowed to loop and repeat endlessly.
We used XCs to engage players more immediately than our normal 2 week long event cycle, offering something that could be completed in a single session of play.
There are XCs about engaging in PvP, collecting items with your friends, and even decorating your dorm.
I designed, prototyped, and scripted a king-of-the-hill style PvP mode which all users in PIMD can participate in.
There can be only one winner in any given instance of the XC. The goal is to be the last person “in the spotlight” when the XC ends.
I created custom Python code to enable the whole PvP event, and it drives engagement and conversation to this day.