Morning Ritual - Jan 2016
Links to things:
Here’s a github link for the project.
Source files live here.
The executable lives over there.
Grayson Bartlet (programming)
Glen Manalo (art)
Andrew Oatway (programming)
Kyle Romano (art)
In January 2016, I did my first ever game jam.
We were given the prompt of “Ritual”.
60 hours later, a friend, two strangers, and I had made a game.
The readme helpfully includes: “You are a wizard. You will try desperately to prepare your breakfast in an ironic physics simulator. While very hungover. Also in the game.”
I was one of two programmers on the project.
I placed most of the objects in the scene, set the physics on the objects, created scripts to create and destroy the objects as they enter the cauldron, the crafting system, and the objective tracking system.
I learned just how cool it is to see someone try your game, and have it click for them, to hear people laugh and shout with joy.